The importance of going on vacation

3 reasons to leave your busy life behind (once in a while)

I love traveling. And I love Italy with its culture, language and history. My trip to the Amalfi Coast (2010) was heaven to my soul.

I felt free and independent. I soaked in every moment of the sea, the beach and the food. I felt that my soul searching for a different kind of life had started. I was not able to pinpoint what was actually happening to my soul, but I was intrigued to find out.

Why do have vacations such a fertile ground for exploration of the self?

What are the reasons for your soul to reveal its desires and secrets?

Reason # 1:

When your mind relaxes you are open to receiving messages from your soul. While I was on vacation in Italy, my soul revealed to me that I would live along the Amalfi Coast one day. I will see how will make progress with this idea in the future.

Reason #2:

Your vacation can remind you of being on a retreat holiday. Your hotel might have a spa and yoga facility. They might offer a detox weekend program. This sounds like being in paradise.

Reason #3:

You might the aha-moment you needed to change your life and live your life purpose.

It does happen. Often, people go on holiday, only to realize that the life they have been leading until now is outdated and has no meaning. They have put up with the nine to five routine for by far too long. While being on a vacation, many decide to finally to let go of the roadblocks that prevent them from living the life they have been longing to lead for so long.

The only obstacle you need to overcome are the limiting beliefs and the gremlins in your mind. I can imagine you have told yourself many times and for many years that you'd better stay in your "safe" job. It helps to pay the bills and the rent/mortgage. You can even go on holiday once in a while.

But don't you expect more from your life?

Take a few moments and think about the last vacation you have been on?

Have you wanted to change your life while being there?

What steps would you need to take today to make a first important change towards living a meaningful life?